Wednesday 2 October 2024

Well that figures

The previous grey pile of shame is now a white pile of shame, and the grey pile is slowly rebuilding itself.

Let us start with the painted, based and table ready figures:

A unit of British Light Infantry, the Light Company 69th Regiment of Foot, a Light Company Leader and a mounted Regimental Leader.

Next we have the painted and ready to be based troops:
The Light Unit is joined several more Light Units for a total of 18 figures with 2 leaders (2 units of 8, or 3 units of 6 in skirmish formation), then a line of leaders, officers, sergeants, a colour party and a mounted officer or two.
Behind them are 5 units of 8 Battalion Company Units of Line Infantry and 5 Shock marker toppers.

I've been holding off basing them until the French are done at least.

Speaking of the French:

The painted French are the Leaders, Colour Party, 2 Voltigeur Company units of 8 and a Grenadier Company unit of 8.

Then the in progress begins:

4 Fusilier Company units of 8, several more leaders on foot, a drummer, and 3 mounted leaders for the Regiment.

Then the waiting to be started queue:

A unit of 8 British Light Dragoons with Musician and Leader.

3 units of 6 Rifles skirmishers and two leaders from the 5/60th, plus another two Battalion Company units of 8, and 2 British foot artillery 9 pounders, one firing and one loading.

 A unit of 8 Chasseurs a Cheval, Musician, Leader and some alternate uniformed for as yet unknown purposes.

3 units of 6 skirmishers of the Marins de la Garde, some leaders, on foot and mounted, 2 more units of Fusiliers some extra Voltiguers and 2 Artillery pieces from the French.

And finally, from the Force in Being to the Force in Waiting, the grey warriors:

5 Fusilier units of 8, a colour part and musicians and 5 leaders from a Seven Years Way/American War of Independence French range who will play the "Bourbonaise" a holder over from the Ancien Regime in Atalantes that resisted the revolution and remained in power.
I have printed but not yet based, light units, and grenadier units, as well as their 'elites' being some Chasseurs a Pied whose name will emerge when I invent it.
To fill them out will be a unit of Scouting Cav, perhaps a Cuirassier set and certainly some artillery.

That completes the Napoleonesque Atalantean forces so far. I am working in various 3D sculpting tools to see if I can kludge together some Romans from 1750, and then I will also be filling out some Wakanabi Confederation, Haukenosaunee and other Tribal themed nations land forces.

Additionally a local wargamer has expressed a notion of Japanese on Atalantes, and while it wasn't my thought, I am keen to have as much input into Atalantes as possible so I am researching a whole bunch of Boshin figures that I hope to use.

To foreshadow the next post and to force me to collect my thoughts on it I will go over the various and many hobbies and sub hobbies that I am bouncing between for Atalantes and related gaming.

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